Awards and Recognition Committee
- The Awards and Recognition Committee shall assist the Region Director in coordinating any Regional awards which may be brought to their attention by the member Sections or by IEEE Headquarters.
- The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the BoG and to the Region Director in the development of new awards, which recognize activities of worth and merit within the Region.
- The Committee shall carry out those activities associated with the processing of Region 1 Awards.
The Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee shall be appointed by the Region Director in accordance with Section of the R1 Bylaws.
Committee Members
The Awards and Recognition Committee shall consist of a minimum of four members, including at least one from each Area. The appointees shall be of Senior Member grade or higher. The composition of the Committee shall reflect, insofar as possible, the geographic scope of the Region and the professional interests of IEEE. No more than one member from any Section shall concurrently serve on the Committee in a given year.
- Maintain familiarity with IEEE Governance Documents as they relate to awards & recognition including IEEE Bylaws, Policy and Procedures, and MGA Operations Manual. Additional information is available through the Member and Geographic Activities Department.
- Maintains, by individuals and Sections, historical records of Region 1 Awards. Arranges to have these records posted on Region 1 Website by contacting Website coordinator. Submits any new Region 1 Award to MGA Awards and Recognition Committee for approval.
- Stimulates through Area Chairs and Section Chairs, nominations for Region 1, MGA, and IEEE-USA Awards to recognize those IEEE Members and Organizational Units who have significantly contributed to the engineering profession and the IEEE.
- Provides assistance in preparing nomination forms.
- Presides, coordinates and schedules meetings and/or teleconferences of Award and Recognition Committee members to review all Region 1 Award nominations and prepare a list of those individuals and organizational units worthy of an award.
Recommend candidates for Region 1 Awards to the Region 1 Board of Governors, for their approval, usually at the Annual Meeting. - Procures a plaque for each awardee for distribution.
Determines budget allocation requirements for Region 1 Awards and Recognition Committee and submits it to Region 1 Budget Committee with justification. - Serves as Region 1 representatives at the MGA Awards and Recognition Committee meetings.
- Represents Region 1 on the IEEE-USA’s Awards and Recognition Committee.
- Seeks out and recognizes Region 1 candidates, whose professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession, make them eligible for IEEE USA awards.
How appointed and term of office
The Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee is appointed for a two year term by the incoming Director. The Chair shall take office on January 1st. Reappointment of the incumbent Chai is permissible. The members of the committee, typically the Area Chairs or one representative from each Area, are appointed by the Region Director, with the concurrence or recommendation of the Committee Chair.
The presentation of the annual Awards and Recognition Committee recommendations to the Region1 Assembly shall be held in executive session.
- Committee
- The Awards and Recognition Committee shall assist the Region Director in coordinating any Regional awards which may be brought to their attention by the member Sections or by IEEE Headquarters.
- The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the BoG and to the Region Director in the development of new awards, which recognize activities of worth and merit within the Region.
- The Committee shall carry out those activities associated with the processing of Region 1 Awards.
The Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee shall be appointed by the Region Director in accordance with Section of the R1 Bylaws.
Committee Members
The Awards and Recognition Committee shall consist of a minimum of four members, including at least one from each Area. The appointees shall be of Senior Member grade or higher. The composition of the Committee shall reflect, insofar as possible, the geographic scope of the Region and the professional interests of IEEE. No more than one member from any Section shall concurrently serve on the Committee in a given year.
- Chair
- Maintain familiarity with IEEE Governance Documents as they relate to awards & recognition including IEEE Bylaws, Policy and Procedures, and MGA Operations Manual. Additional information is available through the Member and Geographic Activities Department.
- Maintains, by individuals and Sections, historical records of Region 1 Awards. Arranges to have these records posted on Region 1 Website by contacting Website coordinator. Submits any new Region 1 Award to MGA Awards and Recognition Committee for approval.
- Stimulates through Area Chairs and Section Chairs, nominations for Region 1, MGA, and IEEE-USA Awards to recognize those IEEE Members and Organizational Units who have significantly contributed to the engineering profession and the IEEE.
- Provides assistance in preparing nomination forms.
- Presides, coordinates and schedules meetings and/or teleconferences of Award and Recognition Committee members to review all Region 1 Award nominations and prepare a list of those individuals and organizational units worthy of an award.
Recommend candidates for Region 1 Awards to the Region 1 Board of Governors, for their approval, usually at the Annual Meeting. - Procures a plaque for each awardee for distribution.
Determines budget allocation requirements for Region 1 Awards and Recognition Committee and submits it to Region 1 Budget Committee with justification. - Serves as Region 1 representatives at the MGA Awards and Recognition Committee meetings.
- Represents Region 1 on the IEEE-USA’s Awards and Recognition Committee.
- Seeks out and recognizes Region 1 candidates, whose professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession, make them eligible for IEEE USA awards.
How appointed and term of office
The Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee is appointed for a two year term by the incoming Director. The Chair shall take office on January 1st. Reappointment of the incumbent Chai is permissible. The members of the committee, typically the Area Chairs or one representative from each Area, are appointed by the Region Director, with the concurrence or recommendation of the Committee Chair.
- Presentation of awards
The presentation of the annual Awards and Recognition Committee recommendations to the Region1 Assembly shall be held in executive session.