
The history of the region is maintained at the Engineering and Technology History Wiki.  The report located there was prepared by the Region 1 History Committee as part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 125th year anniversary. The document is intended to be a living history of Region 1. Data includes special past Section activities, special history milestones and activities by members who have made significant contributions to Region 1, and IEEE. The data contained is from many sources, therefore if any members find required corrections please notify the R1 History Chair.

This template is only available on the pro version.



The history of the region is maintained at the Engineering and Technology History Wiki.  The report located there was prepared by the Region 1 History Committee as part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 125th year anniversary. The document is intended to be a living history of Region 1. Data includes special past Section activities, special history milestones and activities by members who have made significant contributions to Region 1, and IEEE. The data contained is from many sources, therefore if any members find required corrections please notify the R1 History Chair.

This template is only available on the pro version.

R1 and R2 Milestones