BoG meetings A. Overview Submit new report BoG Documents "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 3 33% This field is hidden when viewing the formUserBoG Groups* Executive Committee Reports Section Reports Standing Committee Reports Ad Hoc Committee Reports Other Please select one group.Executive Committee Reports*Please select your role. A. Director B. Director-Elect C. Secretary D. Past Director E. Treasurer F. Northeastern Area Chair G. Southern Area Chair H. Central Area Chair I. Western Area Chair F. Pace activities G. Membership Development I. Strategic Planning J. Student Activities K. Society Liaison L. Chapter Coordinator M. Women in Engineering N. Young Professionals Section Reports*Please select your role. A. Boston B. Maine C. New Hampshire D. Providence E. Worcester County F. Berkshire G. Green Mountain H. Mid-Hudson I. Mohawk Valley J. Schenectady K. Springfield L Binghamton M. Buffalo N. Rochester O. Syracuse P. Ithaca Q. Connecticut R. Long Island S. New Jersey Coast T. New York U. North Jersey V. Princeton/Central Jersey Standing Committee Reports*Please select your role. A. Audit B. Awards & Recognition C. IEEE-USA ARC Rep D. Budget E. Nominations F. Pace activities F. Pace Activities G. Membership Development I. Strategic Planning J. Student Activities K. Society Liaison L. Chapter Coordinator M. Women in Engineering N. Young Professionals Ad Hoc Committee Reports*Please select your role. A. Bylaws, Operations & Leadership Training B. Conference Coordinator C. IEEE-USA Liaison D. Educational Activities E. Government Activities F. Historian & Milestone Coordinator G. Information Management Coordinator & Webmaster H. Industrial Relations Liaison I. Leadership Training J. Life Members Coordinator K. Pre-Univ. Activities L. Student Professional Awareness Conference M. Section Vitality N. Public Visibility Rep O. OUAnalytics F. Pace Activities Other Reports*Please select report type. IEEE officer candidates IEEE officers Other documents IEEE Office*Examples: IEEE USA President, IEEE R1 Director-Elect 2022 Candidate, etc.Title of Materials being posted*Please give a descriptor of the report your are filing.ReportPlease cut and paste your word document here or include optional documents below. Types of files that can be uploaded:Additional documents to upload 0 1 2 3 Links to web pages to addThis could be your website. It could be the link to a youtube video. 0 1 2 Add your headshot or an image that we can feature that highlights an activity No Yes Additional pictures to upload 0 1 2 3 Document #1 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Document #1These can only be docx, doc, pdf, ppt, and pptx filesAccepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls, Max. file size: 20 MB.Document #2 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Document #2These can only be docx, doc, pdf, ppt, and pptx filesAccepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls, Max. file size: 10 MB.Document #3 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Document #3These can only be .docx, doc, pdf, ppt, and pptx filesAccepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls, Max. file size: 10 MB.Link #1 Descriptor*Describe what the link points to.Link #1Add the link to the web pageLink #2 Descriptor*Describe what the link points to.Link #2Add the link to the web pageFeatured image descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedFeatured imagePreference is a head-shot of the person submitting the report. It could be a picture of an activity that was run.Max. file size: 10 MB.Picture #1 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Picture #1These can only be jpg, gif, png, or tiffAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, Max. file size: 10 MB.Picture #2 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Picture #2These can only be .doc or .pdf filesAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, Max. file size: 10 MB.Picture #3 Descriptor*Describe the file to be uploadedOptional Picture #3These can only be .doc or .pdf filesAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, tif, Max. file size: 10 MB. Name* First Last Email address for report submission confirmation* Submission Date MM slash DD slash YYYY This field is hidden when viewing the formTime Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM This is required in order to set the date of the post. I have fixed this to be 12:01 AM and have hidden the field to the user. Δ