Employment and Career Activities

IEEE Resources

The IEEE offers a wide range of learning, career enhancement, and employment opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology areas. The goal of these programs is to ensure the growth of skill and knowledge among professionals and to foster individual commitment to continuing education among IEEE members, the engineering and scientific community, and the general public.

IEEE Career Resources

  • IEEE Career Site [link]
    Search for openings, advertise openings, career news and events, and career tools.

IEEE USA Career Resources

  • IEEE USA Salary Service [link].
  • IEEE USA Employment Navigator


The responsibilities of the IEEE Region 1 Employment and Career Activities Coordinator have been specified in the IEEE Region 1 Operations Manual and are as follows:


  • Arrange for and participate where possible in employment and career related workshops with such topics as career changes and how to prepare for them and career management.
  • Encourage and track job fairs and local jobs listing services run by the Sections.
  • Be aware of and advise the Sections of any new and/or upgraded IEEE- Careers web sites.
  • Serve as the E&CS Region I Representative on the IEEE-USA Committee, which works on the national level jobs listing services, developing material for workshop presentations and publications, and being a resource at the national level related to E&CS issues.
  • Work with Region 1 PACE Coordinator in developing the PACE training programs.

The Employment and Career Activities Coordinator is appointed for a two year term by the incoming Director. The Coordinator shall take office on January 1st. Reappointment of the incumbent is permissible.


IEEE Resources

The IEEE offers a wide range of learning, career enhancement, and employment opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology areas. The goal of these programs is to ensure the growth of skill and knowledge among professionals and to foster individual commitment to continuing education among IEEE members, the engineering and scientific community, and the general public.

IEEE Career Resources

  • IEEE Career Site [link]
    Search for openings, advertise openings, career news and events, and career tools.

IEEE USA Career Resources

  • IEEE USA Salary Service [link].
  • IEEE USA Employment Navigator


The responsibilities of the IEEE Region 1 Employment and Career Activities Coordinator have been specified in the IEEE Region 1 Operations Manual and are as follows:


  • Arrange for and participate where possible in employment and career related workshops with such topics as career changes and how to prepare for them and career management.
  • Encourage and track job fairs and local jobs listing services run by the Sections.
  • Be aware of and advise the Sections of any new and/or upgraded IEEE- Careers web sites.
  • Serve as the E&CS Region I Representative on the IEEE-USA Committee, which works on the national level jobs listing services, developing material for workshop presentations and publications, and being a resource at the national level related to E&CS issues.
  • Work with Region 1 PACE Coordinator in developing the PACE training programs.
How Appointed

The Employment and Career Activities Coordinator is appointed for a two year term by the incoming Director. The Coordinator shall take office on January 1st. Reappointment of the incumbent is permissible.